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Druskininkai, located 130 km south of Vilnius, is justly considered one of the oldest and largest resorts in Lithuania, as well as one of the best balneological resorts in Europe. Thanks to the surrounding pine forests, the air here is incredibly clean: phytoncides released by the pine needles destroy microbes and bacteria, purifying the atmosphere.

Seven hundred years ago, this resort was already famous for its healing mineral springs, unique mud, and refreshing pine forest air. The steep and picturesque shore of the Nemunas River protects the resort from northern winds, creating a mild climate together with other natural factors and an abundance of flowers that delight the eye almost all year round.

Around Druskininkai, there are many lakes and sources with water so pure that it can be drunk without worrying about one's health. There are no industrial objects near the resort, which only enhances its ecological attractiveness.

The healing mineral waters of Druskininkai have been known for their unique properties for a long time. One of them is the "Grožis" source of beauty, where one liter of water contains over 50 grams of various mineral salts that contribute to skin cleansing and rejuvenation.

More than ten other mineral springs help normalize the work of internal organs, improve their functions, and treat various diseases.
Druskininkai is a multifunctional resort with several specialized treatment areas.
Various diseases are successfully treated here, such as:
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • musculoskeletal system
  • peripheral nervous system
  • endocrine system
  • respiratory tract
  • digestive tract
  • gynecological and urological
  • skin diseases, etc.

In Druskininkai, treatment of the gastrointestinal tract is based on a drinking course of mineral water, which is extracted directly in each sanatorium of the resort. In addition to this, diet therapy is used, and each sanatorium institution offers specially developed therapeutic diets.

The musculoskeletal system is exposed to a complex of various procedures: mud therapy, balneotherapy, physiotherapy and others. Usually, patients are prescribed about five to six procedures per day, which ensures full recovery.

Respiratory organs are treated with climatotherapy, inhalations, electrical procedures and heat therapy. These methods help improve the condition of the lungs and make breathing easier.

Skin problems are effectively solved by mineral baths, sapropel mud and mud applications or baths. This allows not only to improve the appearance of the skin, but also to eliminate the causes of diseases.

Physiotherapeutic and thermal procedures are used to treat the nervous system, cardiovascular diseases, as well as gynecological and urological problems. Doctors select an individual combination of these procedures for each patient, ensuring the optimal treatment effect.

In general, Druskininkai offers a wide range of medical services that allow patients to restore their health and gain strength in the beautiful and peaceful environment of this resort.

Contraindications to treatment in Druskininkai
  • Malignant tumors
  • Acute heart failure
  • Infectious diseases
  • Internal bleeding
  • Active tuberculosis
  • Pregnancy

Healing factors of the Druskininkai resort

Drinking treatment in Druskininkai is mainly aimed at patients with gastrointestinal problems.
Mineral water plays a key role here, especially in diseases with increased secretion of gastric juice.

Balneotherapeutic procedures in Druskininkai are varied and use various types of mineral water: classic mineral, carbonic, pearl, ozone, whirlpool, turpentine, herbal and iodine-bromine baths.
In addition, underwater massage, Scottish shower, Charcot shower and other water procedures based on ordinary water are carried out.

The mineralization of water in the baths can vary from 15 g/l to 40 g/l, and the optimal concentration is selected by the sanatorium doctor individually for each patient. Water procedures not only relax muscles and eliminate spasms, but also improve blood circulation, dilate blood vessels and reduce blood pressure.

One of the popular procedures is the "vertical bath", carried out in mineral water at a temperature of 34°C. It includes a set of exercises near the walls of the pool, on special loungers, trapezes and with the use of lifebuoys. This procedure lasts about 30 minutes and covers all systems of the musculoskeletal system, helping to relax muscles and reduce pain.

Mud therapy
Peat mud is widely used in Druskininkai, which is mined in the Jovaišiai quarry, located about 25 kilometers from the resort. Freshly mined mud is delivered to the sanatoriums every day and is not reused; after use, it is given to farmers to fertilize the land.

Various procedures are carried out on the basis of peat mud: mud baths, applications, cavity tampons for both men and women, as well as mud applications on the gums. The main indications for the use of mud therapy are diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system. Contraindications include cardiovascular diseases, some complications of diabetes and oncological processes.

The temperature of the mud in the baths is 36-40 ° C, but at the request of the patient it can be adjusted. Peat mud is known for its ability to stimulate enzyme activity, accelerate tissue regeneration and suppress inflammatory processes.

The Druskininkai resort has a moderately cold, mild climate with a high precipitation content. The absence of large industrial enterprises in the city ensures the purity of the air, which is saturated with negative air ions, which have a positive effect on mood and performance.

The surrounding pine forest is not only a decorative element, but also a natural inhaler. In summer, pine trees release antimicrobial and bactericidal substances, which are especially beneficial for the respiratory system.
Staying in Druskininkai itself has a positive effect on patients with chronic bronchopulmonary diseases, alleviating their condition and improving breathing.

Auxiliary methods

Kinesiotherapy is an important part of the treatment of the musculoskeletal system in Druskininkai. It is carried out both in gyms and in water, in group classes and individually. The goal of kinesiotherapy is to relieve muscles, improve coordination of movements and general motor activity of joints.

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